Women need different psychic tools than men

Our energy body holds a higher frequency template that needs to be resourced by the cosmos and earth differently. Inside embodied energetics, we explore the anatomy of what female-bodied people need to expand their power, collapse timelines, and trust their intuition.

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I nearly cried when you started talking about this information being our birthright. Like my “knowing” was relieved to be seen in their hard work to reconnect me to what existed within me. Almost like I’ve been looking at hieroglyphics but didn’t know how to interpret them.

— Haley

If you are ready to expand your field of power and quantum leap into a new psychic dimension this training is for you.

Women are natural trance mediums.

because our bodies have the ability to bring life into this world, making us capable of being the intermediary between the spiritual realm and the physical plane.

This natural ability to channel energy needs specific psychic tools attuned to your female anatomy so that you can be grounded and clear in a way that your body can receive with ease.

Inside of Embodied Enegetics we explore,

Part 1: Your aura size is not what you think; it’s bigger…

Part 2: The Pineal Gland: How to Discern What's Yours and What's Not

Part 3: The Ovaries: How to Stop Unconsciously Healing the World

Part 4: The Cervix: Grounding Your Center of Power into the Earth

Part 5: A Word about Feminine Creative Energy

Part 6: Solar Plexus: How to Release Male Programming

Part 7: The Hormonal System: Clearing Ancestral Karma

Part 8: The Throat Chakra: Unshaming Your Voice, Your Presence

Part 9: Crown Chakra: Reclaiming Your Personal Authority

Part 10: The Female Body as a Trance Mediumship Channel

What People Are Saying

“I have listened as far as solar plexus before I had to just pause to share a bit with you! This is absolutely fantastic and I’ve had goosebumps the entire time.”

— Haley

“This is so interesting and I feel like I’m learning a new lingo.”

— Asra

“Something that really intrigued me was the idea of what the womb can do when it isn’t creating a baby. That was super super powerful and has been resonating with me all day!”

— Galina

The true embodiment of the Goddess is the ability to say hello to the edge of nothingness.

In 2021, transitioning from my photography career to being a full-time medium, mid-separation from my ex-husband, and stuck frozen in grief after losing my mother; the edge of nothingness left me collapsed on my living room floor praying for death so long as it would keep me out of a mental institution. I lost control. Or rather the fear of losing control finally found me. I was having a spiritual emergency unable to inhabit my body. After needing so desperately to understand my mom’s suicide, I reexperienced my mother’s last day of life through my body. I went in too deep and I couldn’t separate from it. Nobody around me knew what to do, not therapists, not mentors, not friends — the visions and pain kept coming until I stumbled upon a meditation about grounding cords….

That was a dark night of the soul that created psychic scar tissue. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was being blindly initiated into the oracular mystery school of the feminine which led me to the path of reclaiming my psychic power, my body, and my ability to create wealth.

We cannot rise into feminine awareness if we don’t first fall into the darkness. But that doesn’t mean we have to go unprepared.

My intensive psychic and psychological training coupled with embodied spiritual crises that I guided myself through taught me that breaking down can be safe if we can feel empowered, supported, and grounded through it.

If you’re reading this you likely have walked through the shadows and it has left you branded with psychic scar tissue.

There is another conscious way…

The culture of embodied energetics was born on honoring and teaching to female anatomy, supporting the reinclusion of the goddess back into our culture, and encouraging the full spectrum of emotional expression as equally as important to our spiritual awakening as our minds.

The erasure of the feminine in spiritual spaces is still happening, no matter how enlightened they convince you they are. It is my goal to teach you the tools so you can discern this energy. With much of our spiritual information still defaulting to male approval, learning your feminine energetic anatomy is an act of revolution.

Get access to feminine psychic wisdom now:

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