Their version of success doesn’t set your soul on fire, but yours will.

I Ieft the 6 figure photography career, the house on the culdesac, and the secure, emotionally unfulfilling marriage because Spirit called me to turn inward & heal. I moved to the Blue Ridge Mountains in 2021 to recover from years of chronic stress, disassociation, and trauma to allow my body to slowly unfurl from collapsed postures, recover my feminine essence, access my intuitive creative power, and learn to listen to my body’s needs — every day I am rediscovering what being a highly sensitive, feminine leader means.

When my mom took her life in 2018, the pain blasted me open to remembering that I was a spirit in a body, that I had psychic abilities, that there is more to life than proving to anyone I could make money playing the game, and that my mission on this planet was to actually inhabit this body so I could use those gifts to their fullest extent.

In 2021, I met my psychic mentor who introduced me to ‘the tools’ aka clairvoyant training and since then I have been training, practicing, and embodying spiritual & somatic awareness.

Most days you can find me resting in nature, diving deep with friends, listening to Taylor Swift (Folklore), attempting to be gluten-free, reading a memoir, writing poetry, or working out at Pure Barre.

My life is filled with richness, nervous system capacity to explore what inspires me most & the most amazing people to share it with. I’d call that success :)


how it started

Energy work didn’t save my mom’s life, iT SAVEd mine.

Everything changed when I lost my mom to suicide in 2018. My mom was a creative visionary who was underresourced & anxious. Having raised two children by herself, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was in her early 30s and she struggled with alcohol addiction. You wouldn’t know it — because she lit up every room she walked into, that she struggled with shame, codependency, lack of self-worth, and being PSYCHIC AF with no tools.

My mom was ahead of her time. We talked astrology and she worked with psychics and shamans since I was a little girl. This woman was in Costa Rica before it was cool. I grew up on the Sylvia Browne & John Edwards.

She created the spaciousness for my open mind by having one herself & we had one of the deepest connections I have ever known (that’s Scorpios for ya 😂)

Watching her struggle with owning her sensitivity and healing her pain inspired me to build a business on energetic hygiene, nervous system regulation, emotional regulation, and feminine freedom.

When she died, she opened me to the gift of mediumship. Her death is my reason 🌻So other sensitive women can live more fuller, more embodied lives.


More about alexandria